By- Dr. Jaya Kumar.
Neha, our protagonist as you know, always had a special bond of attachment with all her relations. Since childhood she had actively participated in every wedding ceremony of all her relatives.
She genuinely felt a deep sense of happiness and joy for others.
This story is of the time when young Neha was in college happy and excited since her cousin Mona was getting married.
Mona was the youngest daughter of her maternal aunt Sarsawati.
Today's story: THE GOLDEN RING.
Preparations were on in full swing in aunt Sarsawati's house. After all, Mona was the most loved one amongst three sisters of aunt Sarsawati's family.
Mona was a few years elder to Neha.
Neha had a special liking for her as she used to admire and appreciate her beautiful dolls and dresses. But Mona used to act stylish and Neha always used to feel that Mona behaved with an inappropriate attitude on several occasions.
But this was not the time to think all that as Mona was going to get married in a few days.

'Let me forget her tantrums and be a part of Mona's happiness on her most special day ', Neha thought.
Many marriage functions and ceremonies were lined up one after another.
Mona's wedding apparels assorted by her family were beautiful. Mona's to -be husband Amit was from a good and a reputed family.
Amit's family had a flourished business.
Amit was a decent man and both Amit and Mona complimented each other beautifully.
As per the Hindu tradition, the to be brother -in- law, gifts a gold ring to his to be wife 's sister.
Neha had told Mona that she too wanted a Golden Ring from Amit. Though Neha and Mona were cousins but were following the age -old Hindu Wedding tradition more like real sisters.
Mona assured Neha that she would surely be getting a golden ring at the wedding.
Neha, is a very reliable and trustworthy person. Everyone knew that they could ask any favour from Neha and she would always be ready to help them.
In fact, Neha always felt a deep sense of self satisfaction whenever she was loaded with responsibilities.
She was confident that she always worked wholeheartedly and so there was no need to run away or avoid taking responsibilities.
She used to really love when anyone appreciated her work.
One day a small ritual was conducted at Sarsawati's house for Mona. All the ladies from Mona's to be in - laws side were invited for this traditional ritual.
Neha as usual was assigned with all the duties and responsibilities from receiving people to cooking, serving and taking good care of all invited. She conducted everything beautifully and to the best of her capability.
Even though so many responsibilities were making Neha a little tired but she still performed all duties assigned to her perfectly and with a big smile and a happy face.
Neha's loving gestures and commitment proved her attachment towards Mona.
Mona's to be -in- laws really felt respected at the function and they appreciated Neha a lot.
Days passed by and finally the day of the wedding had come.
Everyone was beautifully dressed - up.
Joy and happiness was all around.
As the wedding rituals got over, Neha was eager and excited to get her much awaited and promised golden ring.
It was not that Neha did not possess precious things, but certain things make us specially happy.
That Golden Ring was Neha's happiness and her care shown for everyone.
As events unfolded, a big disappointment awaited Neha. Mona told Neha that she would not be gifted that Golden Ring on that day of wedding but instead shall get it later on the day when Mona and Amit would host their reception.
Neha could not understand this but felt that maybe it would be more special to get it on Mona's reception day as promised again by Mona.
On the reception day, Neha along with her family members went to attend Amit and Mona's reception.
Mona and Amit were looking good together as a couple. Mona's outfit had a royal touch to it and she looked ravishing that day.
Neha was admiring the beauty of the occasion when Neha's eldest cousins who were Mona's elder sisters Manju and Aradhna flaunted their recently acquired gift from Amit, a diamond ring.
Neha felt very bad and offended too. How can Amit gift both of them a gift as sisters and not her? Neha thought.
But then maybe since they were real sisters, Neha reasoned to herself.
'A promise is a Promise', which is to be kept. Finally, Neha went on the stage to congratulate the newly- wed couple and ask Amit for her golden ring as per the ritual, tradition and culture and more over, as promised by Mona.
For Neha it was excitement and joy to get her golden ring. On asking the same Amit told Neha that he would gift the golden ring only if Mona asks him to gift it.
Mona did not keep her promise and conveniently forgot to ask Amit to Gift Neha her promised Golden Ring.
Neha felt really offended and back - stabbed on Mona's such behaviour.
She felt that only till her help was required, by all in Mona's family kept her in good humour and were dependent on her.
Neha felt very bad for herself. She thought if Mona was not really ready to gift the Golden Ring to her so why did she promise Neha.
Wet eyes and deep inner silence gripped Neha's mind and heart.

Why did Mona behave like that with Neha? And moreover, why was she still unanswerable?
Breaking someone's hope is very insensitive.
Do not promise, if you cannot keep it.
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