Neha, our protagonist had always cherished beautiful incidents and moments which really touched her heart. She genuinely felt a deep sense of regard and respect for even small gestures done from heart by others.
This story goes back to the time when Neha got married. She had lots of dreams in her eyes. She was putting her heart and soul into making everyone happy in her newly entered in- laws relations.
The only reason for her to do so was her loving husband 'Sohit'. She had developed such love for him which was difficult to explain and was beyond words.
Love which shall not break even after Neha's death. She was sure. She believed that she may physically leave this world but her soul shall always be thinking and caring for 'Sohit's' well- being.
Therefore, for ''Sohit's' happiness, she was doing sincere efforts to make everyone around her happy.
As time passed by, she realised that one cannot make everyone happy. And, if one wishes or tries to do that one shall be a sufferer oneself.
Though this story, is not about suffering.
It is about care, affection and attachment.
Today's story : THE CHRISTMAS CAKE.
Little Hari was preparing for the Christmas day. He was decorating a Christmas tree and was helping Neha to make the Christmas Cake.
Neha believed that we all are created by One Creator, the Almighty and she was inculcating the same values in Hari too.
She and her family celebrated every festival with full joy and happiness.
While they were busy in preparations Neha suddenly had tears in her eyes. Hari was surprised. He wondered why was his mother crying?
He asked Neha the reason for her tears in a very innocent manner.
Neha told little Hari that a touching incident had come to her mind in reference to Christmas Celebrations.
Hari very lovingly asked her to share that incident with him. Neha, started narrating that touching moment which was still fresh in her mind even after a long period of time.
Hari, with his twinkling eyes, started carefully listening to his mother.
The incident took place on Neha's first Christmas after her marriage to Sohit.
It was 25th of December the Christmas Day and it was so very cold and chilly outside the house with cold winds blowing.
Neha and Sohit lived in a joint family with Sohit's parents.
During those days, Sohit's parents had gone out of station to enjoy their Christmas holidays.
Neha had wished that they should have been with us, to celebrate Neha and Sohit's first Christmas post marriage.
After all every first occasion after marriage had a unique importance.
Neha thought the reason for Sohit's parents to do so was Christmas or may be they had thought of giving some personal time to Neha and Sohit.
Neha was sitting and thinking that though it was Christmas Day but Sohit had a busy working day.
Neha, was on a winter break from her professional work. She was all alone at home that day. Sohit had promised that he would return early from work and he kept his promise.
During the day Neha had prepared a few dishes to celebrate the occasion of Christmas.
It was evening time and was dark and chilly outside. Among all the dishes that were there Neha felt something was missing.
It was the Christmas Cake. Since they did not have something to bake a cake at home, Neha could not make it for the evening.
Neha and Sohit thought later, that a Christmas Cake could have added more value to the occasion and their first Christmas celebration together would have become much more memorable.
Thinking this, Sohit told Neha that he shall go and bring a delicious cake for her happiness from a nearby cake- shop.
Neha felt happy with Sohit's this loving gesture but refused his offer after seeing the harsh and cold climate outside.
As they were busy making up their minds, the door bell rang.' At this hour of time? Who can think of visiting our house?' they thought.
They had not arranged for a formal dinner or a get - together.
'Such a cold weather and someone had come to visit them?' both Neha and Sohit thought alike.
Together they went to open the door for someone they had not expected at that hour.
As they opened the door, they saw a tall young man hiding his face behind a lovely cake in his hands.

Both Neha and Sohit instantly recognized the man behind the cake. He first lovingly sang a Christmas song and then asked both Neha and Sohit to let him inside the house.
He smilingly reminded them that it was very cold outside and amusingly asked if they both intended to cut their first Christmas Cake standing on the door in the biting cold.
Neha and Sohit most lovingly and with due respect and regard, invited that tall young man inside.
He was Mahesh. Sohit's paternal Uncle's son. Mahesh was elder to Sohit and both of them had grown- up together.

But at that moment of time and with such weather outside, Sohit himself was really touched by his cousin's loving gesture.
Neha was speechless at that moment. She had no words to express her joy and happiness on Mahesh's gesture.
She also was touched by Mahesh's effort, love and affection.
Neha had felt Mahesh's affection towards Sohit at several occasions earlier, but his bringing of the ' Christmas Cake ' that evening was not only his affection, but exhibited his true attachment and happiness for Sohit and Neha.
So many years have passed since that day, but the sweetness of that Christmas Cake is still fresh in Neha and Sohit's heart even today.
Neha had always prayed and wished for the success, wellness, happiness and prosperity of Mahesh and his family.
Hari, after listening to this story shared by her mother also developed more regard and respect for his paternal uncle ' Mahesh'. That was ' The Christmas Cake '.