Tuesday, 22 March 2022



मैं डॉक्टर जया कुमार एक जागरूक नागरिक होने का दायित्व निभा रही हूं अपने जल संरक्षण के प्रयासों के साथ l जल ही जीवन है l यह कथन मात्र के कथन नहीं है यह मूल आधार है जीवन का l

 मैं अपने व्यक्तिगत रूप से हर संभव प्रयास करती हूं और अपने आसपास के लोगों को भी जागरूक करती हूं जिससे मेरी जल संरक्षण की ओर भागीदारी और जिम्मेवारी पूरी हो सके l

 मेरे जल संरक्षण के कुछ प्रयास जो हम सब अपने दिनचर्या में शामिल कर सकते हैं और यकीन मानिए की हर एक इंसान भी हजारों लीटर जल की बचत कर सकता है l

Monday, 14 March 2022

A Journey of Optimism - Chapter2: A New life begins


Chapter2: A New life begins

Just close your eyes and see yourself wearing frock or shorts. Laughing and enjoying your childhood. Dancing at every song being played on T.V, singing songs from chitrahar and riding a bicycle. Such a beautiful childhood and then suddenly seeing yourself going to college. U specials, blue line buses, studies and off course struggles. It is true that many of us must have shared the same childhood, with different struggles and situations.

 Albert Einstein correctly said “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learnt in school.” So now true education started and I must confess very truly that as I was growing and seeing the world and life with different perspective, I really felt that I was getting educated day by day. It must be true for everyone. What we are today were we few years back? The answer must be no. Some might think that we have really changed with time.

For few time changes and sometimes we change because of new relations we have developed in all these years. Honestly, for everyone a new life begins with every passing time. A new life begins to cherish new relations, to fulfil new responsibilities, to grow and be mature in understanding. To be ready for a life long journey, welcoming life with open arms. May what come, we should promise to live life to the fullest. To be thankful for life and to value it every moment.

Now, let’s open our eyes and see our dear sons and daughters smiling.  For a second, thought comes that is it a dream. But from heart we know it is a very sweet realty of life. A journey which started from our birth where our parents gave us life and God bought us in this world, takes a time leap of 30 or more years and with it another life begins which we shall be sharing with our children. Joys, sorrows, fear, struggles, happiness and learning with a new beginning.

 Life is a journey as it continues till your death. In this period, we face several ups and downs and many new challenges which every human being has to face in different stages. It is always in our hands to how to begin this new life. Every day is a new life when we are alive. Are we prepared to face challenge of life? Are we ready to take on life examination? Let’s be prepared for this life long journey.

A Journey of Optimism - Chapter1: My link with God


Chapter1: My link with God

God has created this beautiful world. We human beings are one of the beautiful being he has created. The precious life God has given to us makes us realise that in real sense God is the super power. We can address him with different names, believe him with different faiths. We can search him in several religious places or we can find him in the depth of our hearts. But in reality, we cannot deny his presence.  

When I became a mother, first thing that came in my mind was that God is great. How from a foetus God gave so sweet features, twinkling eyes, cute body and most innocent soul and heart to a baby? All mixed feelings gripped my mind with happiness and in my heart to see my baby, responsibility in brain to do all the best things for him and excitement to become a mother. I thanked God and asked strength from him so that I become a responsible mother.

 In today’s scenario when we read newspaper and see the ill things happening around us, we always feel a sense of insecurity and fear grips us. When I became a mother so many thoughts were striking me. One of the striking thoughts was that when God’s creation is so innocent, then what happens that we lose our innocence. The bond which we start with our existence starts losing grip. Why we as human beings break that link with God? When he has blessed us with that innocence then why we take it away?

 As we grow it becomes the demand of the time or it is our self-creation. It is self-creation towards self-destruction or we are so guideless that we never realised it. Does humanity need some guiding force for being human? Will God come down himself or send some source?

Now, the question here is how we would come to know about that source. May be the answer is simple. It has to be the life giver. The giver, who will guide us and it, is life itself. God has kept death in his hands and has given life in hands of parents, who becomes a source to bring a new life in this world. This is a lifelong continuous process till the existence of human being in this world. Thus, becoming parents is the biggest responsibility. They have to shape a good future citizen and become a real guiding force in true sense.

 When a woman becomes a mother, it is considered to be her second life. Yes, it is true, A Second Life to become that guiding force to serve humanity and blessed to be the first teacher and guide for her child. With the birth of child, a lifelong journey starts with self-motivation to become a real guiding force.

The preparations to lead this journey should begin from beginning and should last till the end. Sometimes if we keep our self in some situation, we shall surely think that yes it should have not been like this or how it can be me? But we never realise that life can take a u turn. So, let’s start preparing for life examination.