Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Blog by-Dr Jaya kumar.

Sometimes it is hard to believe that everything and every situation in our life is transparent.
But, in reality transparency is everywhere. It is in our character and also in our thought process regarding other people.
It is that we are not ready to accept the fact that we can be exposed anytime.
This may be because sometimes the reality is hidden because of several reasons.
How can we bluntly tell somebody that you have been caught? Your behaviour is being analysed and we know what is cooking in your mind.
Sometimes we know the truth behind what we see. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
But, still we sometimes feel that it is better to maintain silence for a peaceful and harmonious relationships.
On the other hand as an individual we know about the moves we make at both personal and professional levels.

It is a fact that our behaviour, words, actions and attitude is a calculative move.
We all know what we are doing but are always in a denial mood.
We may never accept that the other person's thinking can be much smarter than what we can even think of.
We also take someone's silence as his or her weakness and sometimes his or her humbleness as his or her attitude. So, when everything is transparent and being watched and monitored constantly, it is better that we be a clear- hearted person.
Acceptance of a wrong doing is better than constantly denying it.
It is better to improve upon oneself than to be humiliated for our cunningness and shrewd behaviour.
We have only one life. One life to just lead and spend or a life to live for oneself as well as spreading positivity, smiles and happiness everywhere.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Salute to the Brave hearts

Blog by- Dr.Jaya Kumar.

The speed of the jets and the thundering loud voice of the fighter planes. The launching of the missiles and the bombardment done by the Indian Air Force has proven its metal in front of the enemy.
As a country we have always believed in establishing peaceful and cordial relations at the international arena.
We have always extended our hands of friendship by maintaining and believing in the philosophy of universal brotherhood.
Our motherland is the land of love and patience. It is this what we have believed and followed truly.
But, whenever any external source has attacked us and has given us tearful wounds, our defense forces have always stood strong as brave hearts.
This time, the attack by the Indian Air Force has incredibly proven our strength and power over our enemies.

They have proven that enough is enough and India is no longer ready to loose precious lives of its soldiers and countrymen.
The martyrdom of our people won't go in vain. The revenge of every precious life lost and the tears which have rolled down the cheeks of every Indian would be noted and avenged with full force.
The time has come again when all Indians shall stand together and rise above everything else by keeping nationalism as our top priority and feeling.
The feeling to celebrate patriotism is one of the most beautiful feelings.
Let everyone of us stand together as one big strong force by igniting our hearts with pure nationalist feelings and sentiments.
Our big salute to our brave hearts in action.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.