Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Explore Our Inner Selves

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

When we think about ourselves, do we feel we are being self centered?
If we cut ourselves from the outside world for a few moments and just try to be our own true self, will we call it being selfish?
The answer is probably not. As a social being, it is true that we are answerable to the society for our social actions.
Similarly as an individual, our identity in this whole universe is being answerable to ourselves too.
The outer layer in this world has a different perspective, but the core inside our body too needs to be searched, found out and addressed.

Many a times in the journey of solving problems and giving answers to the external world, we spend all our life without even realising the true meaning and worth of our own existence.
Our internal questions remain unanswered and our personal quests remain unattended.
We just become a social machine who is working but is also bound in groups of different chains through out our lives.
The confusion of the internal and external aspirations and wishes never gets solved which ultimately leads to further problematic situations in our existence.
We have to give time to ourselves also to search answers for the unsolved questions which strike us several times and also make us uneasy at times.
In this regard the search for our inner self becomes self- focused and self-analytical.
So, to know and explore our own self is the beginning of our journey towards gathering personal strength and power.
So, let us find time in our lives to explore our inner selves beyond the physical manifestations presented to us in this world.
This shall help us unite with the bigger universe of which a similar one exists inside each of us.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

The courage to try again.

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Before surrendering ourself to the hurdles of life, which may sometimes look impossible to cross, we should atleast give a good try. Every day brings a new hope and this feeling of positivity should be kept in our mind before losing hope. Hurdles might surely be very difficult and seem hard to cross but they cannot take away our energy and zeal to win from the difficulties of life.
We might sometimes wish to run away from the realities of life which may be very harsh. It can even break us down and we think of surrendering ourselves, but a determination to try again gives a boost and a light of hope in our life.

Trying our level best to face our hardships with a confident approach and a determined attitude shall really help us overcome them.
The troubles shall definitely become too small seeing our positivity and a dedicated approach to win over difficulties of life.
We shall undoubtedly realise that our genuine attempt and positive approach wins over the problems of life and we shall emerge as a real winner.
Let us give a try with more determination before giving up.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

World Music Day

Blog by- Dr Jaya Kumar.
Music is so soulful. A soothing music is always melodious to hear. Music has it's own world. A world which is full of softness, emotions and melody.
Music has it's own language. A language of inner peaceful soul.
Music lifts our mood.

It energises our body. It also gives a soothing effect to our body.
Music therapy is becoming very popular in the new world. It is effectively used so that our mind becomes peaceful and relaxed.
It is good to hear music which one likes and loves to hear.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

One Day To Go - Yoga Day.

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

(A poster made by my son Om Kumar On International Yoga Day)

'Yoga' is a way of living a much disciplined and a healthy life. Yoga is a path towards maintaining a balance of all the senses of our body. 
The asanas performed in yoga give stability of thoughts by strengthening of our body and giving peace to our mind.
It should become a daily routine to be adopted by every segment and age- group.
I feel that yoga is not just for our body but also is surely to maintain a powerful equilibrium between our body, mind and soul.
Having practising yoga since younger days has transformed me into a better self and has surely helped me in keeping physical fitness too.
With every breath we inhale and exhale while performing the asanas according to the need and capacity of our body, we realise that we are giving rejuvenation to ourselves both externally and internally.
The hardships in our lives have to be dealt with a positive and a determined attitude. In this regard, 'yoga' helps us to strengthen ourselves through a positive transformation.
Many a times we all think and realise that our first priority should have been our health over everything.
So let us enlighten ourselves with a yogic start to our day for leading a much more happier and a healthier life.

The world is preparing to celebrate the Yoga day. Through out the world, it has become a trend to adopt the benefits of yoga for a healthy lifestyle.
Yoga gives us a disciplined approach and a focus in life. Regular practice of yoga builds up our inner strength. It is a refreshing and a rejuvenating experience for our body to adopt yoga as a way of life.
It maintains a beautiful balance between the body and mind and ignites our soul with energetic powers.
It fills our body with positivity and a hope of a new healthy life.
The power of yoga has lately been recognised, practised and respected more all over the world.
The scope and reach of yoga has increased and reached far and wide. Yoga is not an alternative to exercises but is an opportunity to give peaceful stability to our body.
Let us adopt yoga for making and keeping a better oneself. Yoga should become a way of life for everyone.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Happy Father's Day

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

A Father is so special. He is a pillar of strength for his family. A person who works silently and patiently for the happiness and joy for everyone in his family.
He is happy to act as a support system for the smooth functioning of his family.
A family for which he has an unconditional love. A father may be less expressive in his feelings but surely feels much more than we can even imagine.

A father is a guide and a mentor for his children. A good father maintains a fine balance of all his duties towards his family. He is a strong headed individual with soft heart. A heart that always beats for the wellness and success of his children.
His wishes and prayers always pour out as blessings for his children.
'Father's Day' is that beautiful day which is dedicated to this silent force in every family. May God bless every father with great wellness and strength for life.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Eid Mubarak

Blog by- Dr Jaya Kumar.

'Eid', is the time of thanks giving to the Almighty.
Having completed my higher studies from a Muslim University, it was a wonderful first-hand experience to cherish the beautiful culture of celebrating the pious festival of 'Eid'. Many years have passed by since then, but I still enjoy the joy and the festivity of this festival.
'Eid', was the time of Thanksgiving to the Almighty to bless all human beings.
The time to cherish the oneness and togetherness of our warmth and affection.
The piousness of the festival has a special significance. Everyone comes together with more positivity, leaving behind the worries of the every day life. It is the time to share among all around oneself with utmost respect and trust in humanity. 'Eid', is the time to value everything we have been blessed with.
The teachings associated with every holy festival bring to us one big lesson of life. That is to 'Be Human' first and to walk towards and on the path of personal enrichment of thoughts and actions through prayers for a better life of everyone. Let us enjoy the joy of 'Eid' with the closeness of our family and friends. Let us remember the beauty of the cultural diversity and the purity of togetherness as 'One'.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Self Realisation Of Our Flaws.

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Our flaws in lives should become a stepping stone towards walking the path of enrichment.
The best part is that once we recognise our flaws, we grow that very moment.
First part is to realize that we committed an error and secondly admitting it to oneself with full sincerity.
Our flaws in life can easily be avoided when we find the reason behind it. Many a times our immaturity in actions, costs us. The immaturity to handle that particular situation which leads to exposure of our personality flaw.
The point where we know about our flaws should act as a turning point in our lives.
It is the point where our immaturity, matures with a lesson to be learnt for life. Self realisation of our personal weaknesses should emerge as our biggest positive strength.

The wish and will to improve should be immediately put into action.
There is scope of improvement at every age and stage of life. Therefore, let us realise our inner flaws and start executing a well defined plan of growth and enrichment in our life for a better ourself.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Let Children Learn At Their Own Pace

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.
Now a days, parents are much worried about the future of their children. The competitive world in which we are living in has made the current generation parents insecure. They themselves are facing the hardships of life. They know the harsh realities and demands of the current fast paced life.
In this context, they themselves want their children to be sheltered and protected under their care and concern all the time.
This in turn leads to too much anxiety and pressure for the parents themselves. Why do we become over protected and anxious parents.
Let your child make a mark of his or her own.

As parents let your child realise that you are always there as a mentor and a reliable source, but the path has to be chosen by children themselves.
Every child has his own pace to growth and development.
Children themselves should be responsible to choose the direction, keeping in mind the various attributes, experiences and teaching of their lives.
Ultimately the struggle to achieve or face any failure should be one's own responsibility.
As a parent, let us act only as a guiding force which encourages children and nurtures them with values and truth of life.
Let children execute and implement the lessons learnt from life and make a standing of their own at every front in their lives.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Monday, 4 June 2018

World Environment Day- Beautiful Environment Builds Constructive Thoughts.

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.
Human beings are an integral part and parcel of the living environment on earth. Our identity is just a very minute part of the vast environment.
Environment has such a vast arena and infact it gives us shelter to live, but still we feel we are a dominant character.
A character which is moving towards choking this environment itself.
The environment which gives us in abundance, but in return we are making it hazardous.
Hazardous to even breath in it. The whole environment is choking in itself to help us to breathe.

Do we ever realise our responsibilities towards our environment. This issue to save and protect our environment is the foremost need of the hour.
We have to put in all our initiatives to protect the environment at an individual level and act towards saving all the natural resources.

All the positive quotients in our lives are relevant only if the environment we are living in is conducive to live in. Why we are doing injustice to the living space provided to us and even more to our future generation?

(A poster made by my son Om Kumar On World Environment Day)

Our environment may not ask us any question, but our next generation shall definitely ask us as to why did we leave them with a choking environment.
Over exploitation of natural resources too shall back-fire on us, if we donot feel it as an alarming issue and situation.
Saving and protecting environment is our duty and responsibility. Let us make a pledge to take every possible initiative towards positively contributing in making a beautiful environment to live in.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.