Thursday, 30 November 2017

Go Ahead. Talk To Yourself.

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

It is true that a book is man's best friend. So is the fact that I am also my best friend.
Books give us knowledge, impart education which results in over all human growth.
Similarly talking to oneself at times not only makes one a better human being but also guides oneself to follow the correct path of life.

Self analysis is the best form of analysis.
Self criticism or evaluation occasionally is also the best method or way since it gives you the chance to improve yourself without anyone knowing your faults.
You can check your faults on your own and take corrective actions without anyone finding them out.
Everyone will see you as a very sensible human being who is intellectually growing and becoming mature all by oneself.
In reality you shall realise that talking to yourself is helping you to overcome any hurdle or hindrance in life and improving in thoughts and expressions as time passes by.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Humanity is my religion

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

When we go to any religious place we find many different types of devotees.
A true devotee is a person who wherever he or she stands makes that place pious.
He makes that place look like a place of worship. He or she is not confined to any particular religious place or building but can have a connection with God wherever he or she is.

The cosmic energies in this universe always guide him or her to be positive and spread happiness wherever he goes.
He or she is never satisfied with his devotion towards God but always tries to strive for more devotion.
 He always tries to make a connection with God.
He makes God his guiding force and guide through out his life. Let us all be like a student who listens to his guide, follows his guide and tries to spread his good messages and thoughts for betterment of humanity.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Life is beautiful

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Even if we thank God every day for giving us this life, it shall be a very small gesture from our side.
The word 'Thankyou' becomes small and has no relevance in comparison to this beautiful life which God has given all of us.
He, 'The Creator' has given us an opportunity to live a civilised life to enjoy all good things which life has presented to us.
Sometimes we as human beings crib for everything in life.
Our desires seem to have no end and they become even more strong with passage of time.
If we are not able to achieve those desires we start blaming that our life has been very unfair to us.
I always wonder and ask as to what is it that is 'unfair' in life.
The only one answer that comes to my mind is our approach towards every situation that is considered as unfair to us at that particular point of time.
If we analyse it deeply, life is much bigger and our problems are really very small in the bigger scheme of things.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

On Air- Radio Jockey

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Action and Audio.
The power of speech is heard by everyone.
While traveling, shopping or doing any other activity.
Even at home many a times, the voice is heard loud and clear.
A soft musical voice or a motivating tune.
Laughter and smiles shared.
Yes, it is definitely the power of voice.
A voice which is heard by millions.
Yes... It is the voice of a Radio Jockey. A few days back I was listening to a popular show by a famous RJ on a popular radio channel.
I really felt nice. The RJ was not only playing good music but also had a very positive attitude towards life.

He was using his power of voice and speech very well. His language had a decent softness with nice Inspiring words.
He was addressing his audience in a remarkable way.
Radio is a beautiful medium of communication. To communicate good thoughts and to share positive vibes with the audience.
To share social messages which are oriented towards a positive direction.
Radio has the power to enlighten people and generate mass awareness by raising topics of social issues.
Radio Jockeys have a powerful instrument in the form of speech in their hands.
A speech that influences and leaves an everlasting impression among all listeners.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Indian Polo- Live and Near

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

(Photographs and videos in this blog have been taken by me and my family and are from our personal collection.)

The power and the strength of a horse is unmatchable. In animal kingdom, horse is one of the selected lovely animals possessing  beauty, grace and charm.
The majesty of a horse is also captured by many famous and renowned artists around the world.
A Horse has been the subject of fantasy and art by the creative world.
Witnessing a live Polo match is like living an artistic dream. In a Polo match we come close to and really understand and appreciate 'The Real Horse Power'.

The cantering of a horse is artistically beautiful. The galloping of a horse makes you realise the flow of the wind. It looks like an artists horse of imagination which flies among the clouds.
A White beauty and a Black beauty galloping together towards the goal post and helping the polo player to get all the applauses from the viewers and polo lovers.
Four players from two teams play four to eight  Chukker( rounds) match depending on the strength of the player ranking in the circuit.
Polo players too maintain an aura of grace and elegance while riding their horses🏇.
The beautiful coordination, understanding and companionship of the horse and his master rider is the whole essence of the game.

History of the Indian Polo is around 125 years old, where the game was first introduced in Manipur.
Even in today's time the game has preserved it's old charm and energy, sense of competition and it's image of being an amazing game.
 It started as the game of Rajas and the Maharajas. The game first played and patronised by the royalty and rulers of kingdom.
 It is a game of power and strength for Polo lovers and Polo aspirants.
Polo in the real sense is all about horse power with speed, quickness, alertness and super exceptional riding skills of the horse rider.

(My son Om with Mr. Naveen Jindal owner of Jindal Panther Polo team on right. On top with Mr. Simran Shergill, leading player of the Indian Polo Team. Below with Arjuna Awardee Mr. Samir Suhag, Former Captain of the Indian Polo Team.)

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Baba Ramdev- Live and Close.

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

(Photograph and videos in this blog have been taken by  my family and are from our personal collection.)

What a personality he is... I am referring to Yog  Guru Baba Ramdev whom I met yesterday at on going Times Literature Festival.
I was impressed by his personality which makes him be in news everywhere around the country.
The USP of his personality is his high level energy and positivism.
He comes across like a 'Fearless Yogi'.

All charged up to take India to the next level. The next level of Spiritualism, positivity and growth promoting and making a mark at the world level.
Baba came to address the issue of 'Dharma'. The philosophies he shared were both logical as well as practical.
I was fortunate to ask the very first question at the forum of question- answer session.
I raised the issue of 'Relationship of Dharma with Humanity and how they are inter- related and their relevance'.
Baba Ramdev explained the inter- relationship keeping in mind the true spirit of India's diversity and everyone's sentiments.

He propagated full respect for everyone in the universe. The way he delivered his speech and talk was really appreciable.
His whole talk focused on being 'Human First', dedicatedly following our duties assigned to us and expected out of us promoting nationalism and a positive mantra.
The positive mantra was that inspite of every hurdle in life, if we really promise ourselves to achieving heights and be focused on the path of nation-building and development we surely shall be 'Unstoppable'.
This Unstoppable Yogi really enlightened us and generated a higher sense of positivity and self- confidence.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Do People Write Letters Anymore?

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

When was the last time you wrote a letter???
A letter is a beautiful way of communication. To communicate our true feelings for the person we are attached to.
Letter writing involves our soul.
The last time I wrote a letter was to my late paternal grandfather, many years back.
He used to live in a different city and he always waited eagerly for my loving letters.
Letters in which I used to write little details about things that had happened in my life in the week.
Every happy moment and little successes were shared with him.
Everyone's health and well-being too was communicated.
He always felt very happy reading my letters. He used to keep all the letters written by me worthy as treasure.
Letters were not about words but were my affection, respect, love concern, care and sharing with my grandfather.

I still remember and cherish those lovely memorable days of letter writing.
With so much of technological advancement now, 'Letter Writing' has taken a back seat in our lives.
Though I personally feel that letter is one of the most loving methods of communication.
Our handwriting too speaks a language. It has our mind and our heart.
Letters can create wonderful feelings everytime they are written and read.
The words that are written sometimes come from the deepest of emotions  and feelings one has and they subsequently reach equally far as well.
The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

India Art Festival

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.
All the photographs in this blog have been taken by me and are from my personal collection.

Art is a reflection of our life. The passion of an artist in his art form is a constant variable that leads to everlasting exercise of discovery leading to creativity, experimentation and enjoyment.
An artist works and thinks like a magician. A magician who creates magic through colours and creativity.
An artist's imaginary thoughts and deep thinking is really appreciable. Every piece of art speaks volumes about the passion and love of an artist.
I witnessed all this in the on going India Art Festival.
Renowned, Prominent and amateur artists from all over the country are exhibiting their creative thoughts on canvas.

Miniature Art Technique using small objects like pebbles and erasers to create art is really unique and unbelievable. A real treat for the eyes.
 Needle Paintings which  creates art work using only cotton threads mesmerises the viewer.

Beautiful and interesting use of acrylic, water colours, coloured pencils, charcoal and many more are worth praising.

Every art work speaks for itself in a unique way. All hard work put in the making of an art piece can be felt and is really worth praising.
Each painting and artwork by different artists reflect their inner emotions and touches the heart of an art lover and admirer.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

With Deepest Sympathy

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Surprise! Surprise! Life is full of surprises. Every time we step out of our homes big surprises await us. Surprises to lead and live a new day of life.
How shall we live the new day of life is what we all plan well in advance to welcome a new day of our lives.
What is in-store for us in future is really unpredictable. I got a surprise of my life yesterday.
More than an unpleasant surprise it was a shocking news.
One of my classmates from school left for his heavenly abode and bid good bye to this world.

He left this world at such a young age leaving behind his small kids, aging parents and his wife.
A wife with whom he must have promised to live and grow together. He suffered a severe cardiac arrest and everything was over.
All responsibilities, love, care, affection and promises were left behind.
What is left is a blank phase for his family. If one calmly thinks life is really too short to live.
Too short to even do so many things we keep planning for our future.
I felt so sad and give my heart felt sympathies  for his family.
May his beautiful soul rest in peace. Life is to live for 'The Moment'. To live life with happiness and to value every loving bond, affection, opportunities and warmth of our attachments.
Let us realize, value and cherish the beauty of life before it is too late.
The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Trade Fair

Blog By-Dr Jaya Kumar

(All the photographs in this collage have been taken by me and are from my personal collection.)

Living in the heart of India and its capital Delhi is a treat. A treat to get a variety of exposure and witness the beauty of art, culture and literature of our Country.
Delhi is a place which brings the cultures and traditions of all Indian states under one roof.
That one roof is the annual event, the India International Trade Fair.
It is an exhibition which exhibits the artistic skills of the local as well as International participants , beautiful apparels, ethnic decorative compositions of different states and pavilions of various departments of the Government of India.
Visiting Trade Fair Is a great educational trip in its own way.
A trip which gives us knowledge of latest technological advancements.

 (Clipping of the part interview  of my son Om Kumar in praise of the Honourable Prime Minister taken by All India Radio at IITF (Trade Fair) 2017).

It brings us nearer to our country with further understanding of the art and culture of the different states of our country more.
All pavilions are a must visit and worth spending time in. They are well decorated, unique and outstanding in their own way.
Various pavilions of the Government department like the Indian Postal Services, the Water Sanitation Department, the Health Care Department, the All India Radio and the Reserve Bank of India give a preview of the policies, programmes and schemes undertaken by the government.
They provide us with updated knowledge.
Pavilions from various countries of the world like Dubai, Spain, Thailand, Bangladesh and many more give us a live experience to witness the culture of these countries.
There are so many things of interest for every age group and all shall definitely enjoy visiting the Trade Fair.
The visit shall surely be an informative and memorable one.

(A News Article with my son Om's Praise for the Honourable Prime Minister in newspaper Punjab Kesari at IITF ( Trade Fair).
The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Monday, 20 November 2017


Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Personality does influence your choice and decision.

Personalities do matter.

A good personality makes a mark.

What you are is proven by the way you carry your personality.

Personalities of others also have an impact on you.

It is better to be in a company of people who have an influencing personality rather than to be with people who have no input in your growth.

It is impossible for us to choose our relatives but we have to be cautious as to whom we keep our relationships and friendships.

Those relationships that are a true relation from the heart with affection, concern and respect.

To have our personal growth, it is better to read inspiring books, autobiographies of different people who have influenced society in many ways or to be in contact with people who have an inspiring personality.

Our thoughts and the company we keep does effect us as a person.

It is up to us to realise whether we want our growth or to have a stagnant approach towards life.


The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Circus Of Life

 Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

A few days back I relived my childhood. It was a family outing to see a popular circus that had come to my city.
The same circus which was a part and parcel of our childhood.
The fascinating colourful tents with large magnificent decor.
Men dressed up as jokers to entertain us and make us laugh.
Daring trapeze artists who perform stunts which take your breath away.
The daring motorcycle act, in the famous 'Well of Death' is definitely an art to showcase one's exceptional driving skills.
Every act was amazing and awesome in its own way. As a child, we all surely loved to see the circus.
Watching it was always an enjoyable experience as a child.
But this time my experience was something beyond that. The acts became a thought provoking experience. How can all that be humanly possible I thought.
This question came to my mind everytime I clapped on the amazing act being performed confidently and nicely in front of me.

There was not a bit of fear in the eyes of any artist.
The other thought that crossed my mind was whether they all are fearless or it was out of just compulsion.
A compulsion to earn for a living. No pain one could see in their eyes.
The thought was also that either they are bodily very tough or in reality they hide their pain under their bright smiles.
Daring in reality or hiding fear in their hearts.
What ever it may be but in reality I learnt to appreciate and applaud someone's hard work even more than I generally always did.
I felt thankful to the Almighty for being fortunate that we are not forced to push ourselves that hard that even hard-work would shed tears.
The tears which cannot be ever seen and which hide themselves behind the beautiful smiles.
So, let us also try to spread happiness and smiles around us till the time we are still alive.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Prove Expectations Right

Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

(Congratulations Manushi Chhillar. The New Miss World 2017. You Upheld Our Expectations and Made Us Proud and Brought Glory to Our Nation.)

When expectations are high from us we never tend to go wrong. We do not even think of doing something which could hurt the faith and trust of many people.
People who love, appreciate and care for us. We can mend all most everything in this world, but what about someone's faith and trust? It can never be mended.

It is almost impossible to mend that. Breaking trust also breaks someone's confidence. We should never break anyone's confidence. As expectations rise from us our hard work too has to raise simultaneously.
Then whenever we perform, everyone's expectations and wishes are with us.
In our thoughts come the smiling faces of the people who expect and make us do only good in life.
We walk on the path of success since we honour everyone's trust.
They trusted us and we paid back in the form of our hard work, sincerity, dedication and determination.
I have always believed that,
I cannot afford to do wrong things in my life,
People asked me in surprise as to why do I say that.
I told them it is because everyone expected me to always do only right.
Hearing this a big smile flashed on their faces, and
Loving tears rolled down my eyes.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Food Is God's Love Made Edible

 Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

God can be seen or not or whether He exists or not is a debate and a discussion that has no end. But if we examine closely, we shall realise that the super power which guides us, does have a form. It also has a name which has a universal acceptance. It is for this that people are struggling day-in-and-out and only when we have it with us, we feel a sense of satisfaction.

And that is our FOOD. It is true that Food is God and God is Food.

Food gives us all the energy and stamina to work and we all work hard to get and afford to eat good food.

When we have it with us we are satisfied. Think for a moment, that when we feel hungry and we crave for food, it becomes our only need and requirement at that point of time.

If by chance we are not able to get it then, we feel disappointed, disillusioned and even frustrated.

Having delicious food not only satisfies our hunger but also gives us eternal happiness.

Home-cooked meal infact should make us feel loved and fortunate that we are special among our loved ones.

Having a meal outside our homes like in a hotel or a restaurant should also make us feel that we are blessed that we can afford to have food anywhere we wish to.
In the on-going PALATE FEST, a food festival, we can see that Food is God and God is food. With every bite we take and taste we realise this. The aromas and the flavours give us a memorable experience. Food is for our mind, our body and for our soul.
So let us value food. Do not waste even the last grain in your plate. Enjoy and appreciate our food and also the person who serves it to you.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 16 November 2017


Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Delhi the capital of our great country India, is majestic. It is the heart of our country. Its history is thousands of years old.

Several times it has been attacked by outside forces and time and again it has sprung back to its natural form.

Our this beautiful city, beholds a secret charm of its own. Millions of visitors visit it every day. Millions of people explore it every day.

It has lush green gardens, the magical mughal garden,  wide roads, historical monuments, mouth-watering flavours of India, the best infrastructure and other facilities. There is nothing much that it does not have.

For decades and centuries it has been just giving us and now let us return its honour and dignity back.
Delhi at the heart of India and being the capital of our country has to be a model city for everyone.
If heart is in good condition only then can the body function properly and remain healthy.

In this context we all have to contribute our share. We can use a bicycle as a mode of transport for short trips.
Obeying traffic rules, not littering, maintaining patience and understanding of our own and spreading awareness through talks and social gatherings should be followed by all.
Above all nurturing our children with good values and ethos and generating a sense of nationalism in them is our duty.
As a responsible and a true citizen let us keep our city and our nation first before our own interests.
Only then we shall get a much more dignified, a decent and a well deserving atmosphere to live a beautiful life.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.


Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Appreciation means a lot to the person who is appreciated wholeheartedly. It leaves a beautiful smile on the face and in the heart. It makes our heart feel the joy communicated.
We feel honoured and blessed when we are appreciated.
We feel that all those who appreciates us are a part of our success and Celebration.
They become virtual viewers of our reason to rejoice. Applauding us and patting our backs for our efforts.
After reading the words of appreciation we can feel the happiness and joy on their faces.
We can feel the power of blessings coming from their hearts.
The words from their hearts touch our souls and give us encouragement to do better with each passing day.

With the high expectations and hopes expressed, appreciation raises the bar for us to pull up our socks for a new benchmark.
It inspires us to go for it and be fully prepared to face any challenge of life.
With so many loved one's appreciation, support and blessings besides us, every hurdle can be easily crossed by us.
We should be thankful to all from the bottom of our hearts for lovingly appreciating our efforts and success.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Spiritual Celebration Of A Wonderful Day

Blog by Dr. Jaya Kumar.

Every day is a wonderful day when spent with sharing, caring, happiness and beautiful thoughts.
Talks on spiritual upliftment and value orientation.
Social gathering for peace of mind, body and soul is a must.
On a special day, a spiritual celebration adds an extra flavour to the event.
From a normal routine you are involved in to an event which uplifts your inner consciousness.

Spiritual peace is a must for a fertile mind. It shows a spiritual light from the Almighty power enlightens us with attainment of self improvement.
Self ego goes away and self change comes in. Change for the better to become more positive in the right direction.
Spirituality is not about any religion but is about following the essence of humanity with human values.
To be free from negativity and prejudice. With belief in oneness with goodness our life days become much brighter and better.
Celebrations become more joyful and pleasurable with the additional pouring of love and affection from the cosmic powers.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Monday, 13 November 2017


Blog By-Dr Jaya Kumar.

Children are genuinely true from heart. A clear heart and a fertile mind are two qualities inherent to Children.
They have a mind which is always inquisitive. Their mind has many doubts and questions which sometimes remain unanswered.
Children know that they have to walk on a true path but are many times clueless about the direction to go to.
The direction in which they shall be moving towards the path of success and happiness.
Children have a fertile mind but many a times that fertile mind shifts its focus.

As guardians of their life, it is our utmost duty as parents to provide proper guidance and counselling to our children.
Many a times we too need to become a child to understand their psychology and to gain their trust and faith.
Children are the future of any nation. Children are our real asset of life.
They are the reason for our happiness and joy.
To give them a beautiful life ahead we have to hold their hands and educate them about life with a grounded upbringing.
Nurturing them with affection and love. Sharing of our life experiences and giving joyful caring.
Let us inculcate beautiful values and ethos in them so that when they grow up they should make our country proud.
Wishing all beautiful souls, our loving Children, a very Happy Children's Day.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.