Blog by-Dr Jaya Kumar.
It is true that a book is man's best friend. So is the fact that I am also my best friend.
Books give us knowledge, impart education which results in over all human growth.
Similarly talking to oneself at times not only makes one a better human being but also guides oneself to follow the correct path of life.
Self analysis is the best form of analysis.
Self criticism or evaluation occasionally is also the best method or way since it gives you the chance to improve yourself without anyone knowing your faults.
You can check your faults on your own and take corrective actions without anyone finding them out.
Everyone will see you as a very sensible human being who is intellectually growing and becoming mature all by oneself.
In reality you shall realise that talking to yourself is helping you to overcome any hurdle or hindrance in life and improving in thoughts and expressions as time passes by.
The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.
It is true that a book is man's best friend. So is the fact that I am also my best friend.
Books give us knowledge, impart education which results in over all human growth.
Similarly talking to oneself at times not only makes one a better human being but also guides oneself to follow the correct path of life.
Self analysis is the best form of analysis.
Self criticism or evaluation occasionally is also the best method or way since it gives you the chance to improve yourself without anyone knowing your faults.
You can check your faults on your own and take corrective actions without anyone finding them out.
Everyone will see you as a very sensible human being who is intellectually growing and becoming mature all by oneself.
In reality you shall realise that talking to yourself is helping you to overcome any hurdle or hindrance in life and improving in thoughts and expressions as time passes by.
The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.