Saturday, 30 September 2017

Human Internal Power

 Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Human life is very unpredictable. Anything can happen anytime. Sometimes even our preparation fails and life suddenly takes a u-turn.
Our planning could not be executed because of reasons emerging suddenly.
At this point of time, the one thing which keeps us going is, our internal power.
We look for answers from God, but if we really think deeply we can come to a conclusion ourselves.
The conclusion is that it is our own internal power and strength which has Godly powers.
This is different from being affected by a natural calamity or an unfortunate accident where we have no control over it's happening.

In those times, we may feel that even our internal power is lost since we are practically dwarfed by the magnitude of such an event, but, in all other situations it is only our own internal power which keeps us going.
Going that makes us stronger. God has blessed us all with an internal spark.
It is only ourselves who can ignite it. Ignite and burn all our problems and issues which adversely affect us. It is only ourselves as an individual who can gather all the strength to face the challenges of this world with our heads held high.
Just feel all the strength inside yourself to feel the power of the Almighty.
Feel that He is guiding you to reach your destination.
So just stand up to bounce-back if you are down. We can be down but surely not out till we are alive.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Friday, 29 September 2017


Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Dussehra is the festival of righteousness and truth emerging as victorious.

*Dussehra- Dus (दस) Hara (हारा). If we combine the two words, it means दस हारा.*

Pride has a fall, a proven fact. We are reminded of this every time we witness the powerful fire which burns the effigy of Ravana.
Inspite of being a powerful ruler, Ravana's immoral values cost him his life.
It is believed that he had ten heads. A correct thought process in the ten heads could have made so much of a difference towards bringing in prosperity and happiness. It instead, brought in complete destruction of Ravana.
Our mind-set and our thought-process are behind our success and failure which has to be self-analysed.
Greed could grip us but the purity of our heart and mind control our emotions. Self-satisfaction has to be the biggest asset of our lives. Self-satisfaction is the path to salvation.
Self-correction is also a must.
Arrogance kills our souls and being humble enlightens our souls.
Sensible thinking should be practised, else the repercussions and effects can be really harmful. Truth shall always emerge victorious in the end.

The path of truthfulness might be difficult to lead in today's world. There could be many hurdles too, to cross and to overcome. There could also be multiple difficulties which we may have to face. The respite in all this is that these troubles and tribulations make us more stronger and courageous than before. Our approach and aim should be a focused one with purity in our hearts. We surely shall emerge victorious.
The Divine Grace guides us, teaches us and gives us a chance. A chance to change our outlook and our perspective towards our betterment and growth.
A change in our individual lives could even change the collective national outlook at a macro level.
Therefore, let us learn and adopt the in-depth lessons hidden in every festival we celebrate in our incredible India.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Maha Navami - The Festival To Enlighten Our Inner Souls.

Happy Maha Navami to all...
Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar

Life teaches us to handle the various ups and downs we witness. Life is a challenge in which we have to learn with and through every experience. The journey of Lord Ram in a way, awakens us and enlightens us as to how to lead our lives. Episodes in the epic Ramayana are a true synopsis of life.
Valmiki, the original writer of the Ramayana through different channels gave us the directions of positivity, awareness and understanding.
Understanding of the real ways of living.
The episodes of Dev-Asur Sangram and the Tadka Vadha depict the destruction of the evil forces by truth. Truth shall always be victorious in the end.
Ahilya-Uddhar and Shabri-Bhakti prove that true faith and committed dedication shall be always fruitful.
Sita Swayamvar proves that the love between two beautiful souls blossoms and is always blissful.

Ram and Lakshman bonding is the bonding between the siblings with true respect and admiration for each other.
The devotion of Lord Hanuman towards Lord Ram is a lesson to be learnt reflecting sincerity and love of relationship.
The Ram-Ravana fight is a battle of righteousness. Thus, the life-journey of Ram teaches us that every action has some purpose and their hidden morals have to be inculcated and adopted by all.
Humanity enlightenment has to be achieved and can be adopted through any source. Maha Navami therefore, becomes a festival to ignite the flame of righteousness and peace both internally and externally.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Blog By- Dr. Jaya Kumar.

When we put in our hard work and dedication towards doing something in life, the end result is always good.
Putting our best foot forward and the result would be nothing but the best. In fact the best is better than all the rest.
The best cannot be compromised and even compared to with anything.
Best is our utmost sincerity towards achieving success.

Best is when we work really hard. In fact it shows up.
Sincere efforts never go waste.
Best makes its own space and position.
In fact it cannot be even questioned.
It sets its own league.
Best sets a different benchmark for others to follow.
So let us also try to do some work in life which makes its own mark and becomes a milestone in our lives.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


 Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Our name plays a big role in shaping our personalities. Every name has it's own meaning and beauty. But have we ever thought that the spellings of our name also do matter a lot.
If someone is addressing us in writing, the spellings of our name matter as we feel offended if someone spells our name wrong.
Though we sometimes ignore it for being the first time and try to correct the sender. But if it is repeatedly done, we feel surprised and disappointed.
Our name is our identity. It is also one of the most personal things that we carry with us from our childhood till the end of our life.

So before addressing someone in writing, it is much better to confirm the correct spellings of his name if we are not sure.
This correctness also makes the other person feel respected and valued.
Just like our name is special to us, it is also so for the other person. Let us always be careful and be aware regarding this aspect. Our small responsible such gesture may always help develop a great bond. It is good to be sensitive towards things which are personal for others as well.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Monday, 25 September 2017


 Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

The word silence has its own beauty and aura. It has a powerful persona which outshines many things. Just observe silence and you will feel its beauty.

Silently, listen to the melodious voice of the birds in the morning.You will feel a flow of music in your body. Just keep silence and listen to the thoughts and advice of your dear ones. You may become enlightened by their thoughts. Just keep silence at night to feel the warmth and majesty of darkness.

Just silently listen to the gossip of the crowd around you. You will be both entertained and amused. Silently listen to the people who want to share their joys and sorrows with you. They may then feel so light and happy and you will feel blessed that they were able to share their memories with you.

Silently listen to your heart-beat and thank God that we are alive to live for another day, to act for another day and to make another day your best day.

Maintain a silence within yourself and listen to your inner-self carefully. You may feel so refreshed and energized. Therefore silence is not only golden, but speaks a thousand words without uttering even one.


The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Sunday, 24 September 2017


Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar

Just sit for a moment and close your eyes to listen to your inner silence. Suddenly many events, people and things shall come in front of you who have touched your heart in many ways. You will feel how fortunate you are to have this life and to experience everything in this beautiful and wonderful world. To be able to walk  on the path of hard work to reach glory. With our hands, we are able to reach out to the shine of sun and calmness of moon. With the help of our senses we are fortunate to love this life even more. But then, why over small and petty things do we fight? Why do we feel anxious and dissatisfied?

Just observe people who are not as fortunate as us but they are still happy and smiling. A vegetable vendor who earns per day greets you with a nice warmth. A sweeper who clean our surroundings keeps himself neat and clean as well.The list is endless, still we being fortunate for having so many things crib for small little things.

So, let us change our opinion and perspectives. Let us thank God to choose us as the fortunate beings. Let us promise ourselves that we will lead this life which is worth living and surely shall be worth remembering. May God give us strength to be better with every passing day.


The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Rise and Stay

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Sometimes due to changes in the weather conditions our body becomes lethargic.
Lethargic to do anything.
It feels as if we are feeling sleepy all the time. We become a 'sleepyhead'.
Our bodies witness laziness to get up and do any kind of work.
Though we keep doing our routine work, it feels as if we are dragging ourselves to do it.
We are bound by our responsibilities otherwise one feels that it is better to not do anything and just relax.
But the problem with this approach is that our bodies become lethargic and our lifestyle becomes inactive.

On the other hand, if we try to get over our laziness and adopt an active lifestyle we shall become more positive, fresh and energetic.

We feel an effect of coolness and freshness inside our bodies.
Being active is a beneficial and a better approach towards life not by compulsion but by choice.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Cool Breeze...

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and find the weather to be wonderful.

The cool breeze brings in freshness and fills our life with energy.

You feel like leaving all your work to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine and tranquility of the day.

You feel like opening all the windows and doors to let in the cool breeze to purify your house.

A breeze that gives us peace and comfort. The type of inner-peace and experience one gets at that point cannot be explained in words.

The lovely breeze also clears the dusty atmosphere and makes it transparent and clean thereby improving the visibility till very far.

Everything looks bright and nice and one feels light and fresh.

So let us enjoy the cool breeze in our lives with a correct and a positive attitude.

It shall surely refreshen us and fill us up with sunshine energy.


The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Let Us Do It

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

We have to increase our chances of getting better every new day.
We have to enhance our knowledge by increasing our reach to gain access to things which enhance knowledge-building.
We have to keep working on ourselves as time progresses to improve our motor skills.
We have to become spiritually inclined to achieve peace and bliss.
We have to constantly be an explorer to know about the latest happenings which are taking place around us.
We have to climb one more step everyday so that we rise and reach the point we desire to. Never stopping and constantly growing.
We have to prove to be much better with the passage of time. More mature and responsible.
We just have one life in which we need to do so much. So let us do it.

Why waste this valuable life? Let us keep attempting and working towards our set goals. We can surely relax for a while as we move along but just cannot stop working till the end.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

NAVRATRI - The New Beginning

Blog BY- Dr. Jaya Kumar.

NAVRATRI..The auspicious festival is celebrated to worship the nine powerful forms of Goddess Durga.
The nine avatars of Durga are:
1. SHAILPUTRI- The embodiment of the collective power of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. This collective power can really conquer the world.
2. BRAHMCHARINI- She is filled with bliss and happiness. Let us be happy from our inner soul to achieve a blissful life.
3. CHANDRAGHANTA- She represents beauty and grace. She is also regarded as an apostle of bravery and possesses great strength.
Like wise, we too have to be physically and mentally strong to face the challenges of this world with our head held high.
4. KUSHMUNDA- She is considered to be the creator of the universe.
Mother is the creator of the  future generation. Let us fullfil our responsibilities with dedication and true commitment.
5. SKAND MATA- She can turn into a storm-cloud when the need arises to protect her child.
Parents are protectors of their children. It is our duty as parents to make our children well aware of the hurdles of life.
6. KATYAYANI- She exhibits immense courage.
Be courageous to fight the battle with the demon inside us.
7. KALRATRI- She has three eyes that shine bright.
As human beings we have only two eyes.Try to open our 'third' eye of awakening which can see the world from a different perspective.
8. MAHAGAURI- She is intelligent, peaceful and calm.
Only a peaceful mind can be a productive mind.
9. SIDDHIDATRI- She possesses supernatural healing powers.
Everyone has hidden supernatural powers, so let us explore ourselves.
Looking at its deeper meaning, we realize that there is another aspect to Navratri.
The meaning of NAV-RATRI can also be understood as NEW-NIGHT.

A new night which fills us with new energy. Just like all the forms of the Goddess who are worshipped and who killed the evil forces to protect the good, we too should pledge to adopt and inculcate good values and ethos in ourselves. Values to stand against the evil and also kill our inner evil forces.
If there is something we could not do in the past, let us try to do it now in the present.
Let us take a vow to change our lethargic lifestyles and shift to a healthy systems of living.
Let us burry our bad habits and start following the good principles in life.
Change should be a part of life. Following the new directions and dictums should be a promise we should surely and unhesitatingly make to ourselves.



The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Beautiful Hills..

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

(Photographs in my blog are from  my own camera.
I have tried to capture the Beauty of Kandhaghat- Himachal Pradesh in words and pictures)

The whispering pines speak millions of words. The beauty of flora is unmatchable. The wide-spread fauna spreads like a green carpet covering the majestic mountains. The  colors are unique and look like an artist has drawn a beautiful painting using various textures and colors on a large canvas. The authentic food and the flavours of spices just melt in our mouth and leave an unforgettable experience and memories.
The snow clad mountains and the hard rocks of hills remind us of our inner strength and courage.

The breeze which blows in the hills makes even the lower areas pleasant and teaches us that goodness, correct thoughts and inspiring thoughts should spread far and wide.
Be firm while doing all your good deeds, just like the beautiful hills.

The above YOUTUBE LINK is of a short movie made by us to share the magic of majestic mountains.

In Hills you feel near to God.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Thank You....

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

We all have surely seen a person who works as a labourer, bare footed in the sun and in extreme heat. Without food and water for several hours at a stretch sometimes. All this, to just earn his daily wage of a few rupees. Seeing this we might just turn away and move on as something that is normal and believe that it is their luck or destiny. Shouldn't we stop and think for a moment  to feel that we are really fortunate in our lives?

We all know and have seen how the sewer drains are cleaned & maintained by the workers. The stinking smell cannot be tolerated even for a while by most of us but it is our fellow human beings who are cleaning it to just earn two times of meal.

Similarly, the maids working for us. They clean our used or dirty utensils without a grievance on their face. And, when at times, we need to do the same ourselves, we do not feel good doing it or do it mostly with a frown clearly visible on our face. We forget that it is still our work they do for us.

Do we ever pause to think, if we deserve all the benefits we get which others are not getting? Everyone is working hard but our hard work gives us an opportunity to lead a luxurious life.

Have we earned these luxuries ourselves or are we just really fortunate that we are born in good families who have a good standard of living?

I personally feel that we should also thank our stars, our luck, our fortune or whatever it is called for being where we are.

We should be thankful for atleast the fact that we do not have to struggle for fulfillment of our basic needs which others need to do for every single day of their life.

Therefore, as a person born in decent well-to-do families, it is our responsibility to value what we have. We should become self-made and really work hard so that we cherish what we got from our parents, our families.

Let us become more responsible in our actions.

Since we have been chosen as the lucky few, we should not miss this golden opportunity.

Let us prove with our sincerity, dedication and discipline that we truly deserved what we get and are blessed with.


The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Live life to the fullest

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Life is a beautiful thing with so many faces and phases. We all are leading our lives in different ways. For some people life is a way to live and for others, life is just to live.
But surely, it depends on us as to how we want to lead this life.
Though life is very unpredictable, but still, the valuable time we get should be utilized to the fullest.
Yes, time constraints are always there for everyone, but why do we not start with what we always had wished for and had thought to do. Efforts have to be put with dedication and discipline but the very first step is to think as to what we have to do, what we wanted to do and what shall we eventually do.

Though, if we all see life in a broader sense, it seems to be short for living with so many dreams to achieve, but in fact, it is very long to live while working towards achieving those dreams and goals which we had always imagined and decided for ourselves.
Let us ask our dear, beautiful and lovely life to give us an opportunity to achieve and get what we desire and wish for ourselves so that in the end we should rest in peace and say to ourselves, "YES, I LIVED MY LIFE TO THE FULLEST"..

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Count your blessings

Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar.

Blessings have power...
Blessings are magical...
Blessings give you strength..
Blessings says that there are many loved ones who are standing with you.
Blessings make you believe in God and your inner strength.
Count your blessings instead of your troubles.
Count your smiles instead of tears.
Count on God instead of others.

Blessings make you feel good and better.
Everyone's blessings boost our morale whenever we feel low.

Concentrate on counting your blessings and you shall have little time to count anything else.
Let us bless each other with all honesty and a true heart.
Bless each other for everyone's good health.
Wish sincerely for each other's happiness.
Our human life and relationships are very precious.  Let us silently pray for each other.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Thursday, 14 September 2017


Blog By- Dr Jaya Kumar

Mind games are based on logic. Logic to analyse your mind and exercise your brain at a fast pace.
Mind games are mind rejuvenators.
They involve you to the extent that your mind gets engaged so much that you do not think of anything else but solving the mind game.
A wrong strategy taken and you loose.
The techniques and tactics have to be correct and clear.
Right moves and you become a genius. Genius in solving the mind games quickly.
Your focus has to be clear and strategies have to be correct.
Sometimes situations in life are also like mind games.

We have to use the correct move to come out of the situation.
We need to have a correct timing.
Correct moves and we emerge winners. Else we shall be so involved in solving the situations that they would become a mystery.
A mystery which would be very difficult to solve.
So think and act. In that order. Our first move falls correct and we come out with flying colours.
A dedicated, devotional, honest and a sincere move shall surely help us. KEEP TRYING AND LET US SOLVE THIS MIND GAME OF LIFE WITH A SINCERE APPROACH...

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Blog BY- Dr Jaya Kumar.

We should live our life like a king but work like a hard- worker. This is the truth and the reality of a good life.
A hard-worker means a person who puts in all his sweat and soul into hard work he takes up.
Work is worship for him.
In boarder sense, everyone who works hard to earn respect and satisfaction is a worker.
His financial status automatically increases thereafter.
He who believes that work is worship, truly believes in putting full effort in everything he does as well.
He is not bound by the working hours of a job. He is not only doing his job but is also respecting one's profile and the demand of the job.

Some jobs are so strenuous and demanding that they drain out a person both physically and mentally.
One's perception towards work also matters in such cases.
Worship is defined as attainment of bliss. It is when we forget all the worldly considerations and just humbly submit ourselves to the Almighty.
Similarly, if we consider our work as worship, we surely get released from all the work pressures and just enjoy the blissful experience of sheer working.
A negative approach, pressures and tensions are bound to be everywhere in today's fast- moving world.
Every field is demanding in its own way.
For a person who does his work like worship, this becomes a positive beautiful journey of self- growth, financial upliftment, social respect which automatically contribute towards the strengthening of our nation- building.
Life can therefore change with our positive outlook and a sense of gratitude for everything that we have with us.
Value what we have with us and working hard to the best of our ability should be our motto in ife.

The words and views expressed in my blogs are personal and are my original work of thoughts.